Tuesday, April 6, 2010

HIV/AIDS condition in Bali Province, Indonesia

The incident HIV+/the AIDS in Bali more often was encountered in the level of the household. The cumulative data of Health office Bali Province (2008a) up to November 2009 showed as many as 0.6 % case of the HIV were the baby and 1.35% age 1-4 years. Results sero the survey of the co-infection of TB-HIV in Bali in 2008 also showed 2.7% the housewife (IRT) that suffered TB also suffered the HIV (Muliawan, 2008).

The invention of some HIV sufferers around the patient TB was through the unit of the health service (UPK) the community health centre. Several community health centres in certain territories in fact showed the proportion of the infection findings HIV+ that was same or higher was compared by the findings through hospital UPK

Up to December 2009, the number of the total case of the HIV and the AIDS in Bali that it was reported by the Health Office Bali Province was 3238 cases totally the death totalling 298 cases. This data also showed that the spread through heterosexual higher was compared by the spread through the needle (68%:23%). The proportion of the case that claimed transmited through sexual relations increased by 17% in the period for the last 4 years whereas that claimed transmited through the needle only increased of 5%, in fact beforehand the highest case always resulting from the use of illegal drugs injection.

All the regencies and the city in Bali had cases of the HIV and the AIDS, where 3 big was occupied by Denpasar, Buleleng and Badung. Because of that then many of his control efforts were directed to 3 areas. Whereas the other regency, although the proportion of his case was still low but the potential for the spreading of the HIV and the AIDS were very big, especially with the expansion cafe and karaoke until the area of rural areas. Gianyar regency had many places that were visited by tourists so as to the interaction between the local inhabitants happen to tourists really tight.

Until this of most of the community's members did not yet often know the incident of the HIV infection with the infection oportunistik (IO) that was with him, so as often they did not realise himself was infected by the HIV and careless to take medicine. This condition caused the number of the community's members to come to the hospital in the serious situation or in the continued phase. This matter was supported by the VCT data in several of RS in Bali (that tended to be waiting for the client), where 21-32% ODHA that came had finally died.

Still many treatments stigmatisation and discrimination against the sufferer HIV+, caused the fear to be known by the status of HIV. This caused many of the community's members to be reluctant to acknowledge the connection or his risk against HIV. Results of the study also showed many stigmas and discrimination happened at the time of them was faced with the official of the health or when coming to look for the health service

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